CircEUlar uses machine learning to model urban circularity

CircEUlar uses machine learning to model urban circularity

Building from a past machine-learning (ML) model analysing the impact of urban form on energy demand, CircEUlar partner INEGI is now working on expanding it to a circularity perspective, with a view at informing policies and strategies towards carbon neutral urban areas.

Our Integrated Assessment Models Need a Circular Revolution Now

Our Integrated Assessment Models Need a Circular Revolution Now

In the face of the global challenge of climate change, materials, and circular economy policies emerge as vital players, deserving a central role in IAMs. The integration of these elements into the models
becomes our pathway toward a more effective and holistic low carbon future.

Assessing mitigation potentials of the petrochemical sector in a circular economy

Assessing mitigation potentials of the petrochemical sector in a circular economy

The 16th Annual Meeting ofIAMChas been held in Venice from November 14-16. This year’s was co-chaired by CIRCOMOD Co-Principal Investigator Detlef van Vuuren (PBL) and CircEUlar Co-Principal Investigator Volker Krey (IIASA) with several contributions to the session stemming from these two Horizon Europe funded sister projects.