Project Reports
This knowledge base serves as a public resource for direct access to all CircEUlar’s project reports and public deliverables.
- Deliverable 1.1: CircEUlar stakeholder dialogue protocols and methods
- Deliverable 1.4: Launch of CircEUlar project website (M2)
- Deliverable 1.5: Dissemination, communication and exploitation plan (M6)
- Deliverable 4.1: Report on WP4 conceptual framework and research design (M6)
- Deliverable 7.1: Report describing the terms of reference and composition of the Advisory Board (M4)
- Deliverable 7.2: Report describing the plans for coordination with the broader research community and projects working on related research questions (M4)
- Deliverable 7.3: Data Management Plan (M6)
Other reports
Burgess, M. , Wilson, C. (2025) Digitalisation Impact on Material Usage. CircEUlar Working Paper no. 3.
Burgess, M., (2024). Does Digitalisation of Building Design and Construction enable real-world material and energy savings in Europe? A Circular Economy study of Building Information Modelling (BIM) use.
Burgess, M., Wilson, C., (2023). Bulk material manufacture: the potential impact of digitalisation and provenance systems on materials recirculation.