The CircEUlar project formally began on September 1, 2022 with the hybrid project kick-off meeting held at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Laxenburg, Austria from 29-30 September.  The meeting featured 41 participants from all 11 partners and discussed the aims of the project, work packages and tasks, and future directions of the project. The meeting also included and outreach event in Vienna on Wednesday, September 28, 2022. The CircEUlar consortium were kindly invited attend the A1 Digital Life Summit on digital solutions for climate change featuring consortium member and event panelist, Charlie Wilson, University of Oxford. Other panelists included Erin Brockovich, consumer advocate and environmental activist, and subject of Oscar Award winning film, Erin Brockovich, Thomas Arnoldner and Marcus Grausam CEOs of Telecom Austria Group, Florian Tursky, Austrian State Secretary for Digitalization and Communication, and Maren Urner, Professor of Media Psychology and Best Selling Author.

The following day, the consortium was kindly hosted by MA-48, the City of Vienna’s Municipal Department of Waste Management, at the City’s second hand shop in the 22nd district, The Tandler. The facility offers unique items that are collected and sorted separately at waste disposal sites for Viennese citizens to purchase high-quality, functional second-hand goods at reasonable prices giving new impetus to waste avoidance and paving a pathway for circular action.


Highlights from the A1 Digital Life Summit