On March 14th, CircEUlar will run its first expert stakeholder workshop Towards Net-Zero through a Circular Economyin Brussels, organised by T6 Ecosystems, together with Bruegel. Experts and decision makers from the fields of circularity, mobility, built environment and digitalisation will be present.

This interactive event brings together stakeholders from policy, industry and civil society to gather feedback and have an open discussion about boundaries, conditions, barriers and enablers to circular strategies in mobility, buildings and digitalisation. 

This workshop bids to create the conditions for knowledge exchange, practice sharing and collaboration across sectors. Participants will be asked to engage with preliminary findings from CircEUlar as well as PRISMA, both EU Horizon Projects aim to integrate circular pathways in the low-carbon transition through scenario modelling. With a view that, workshop outcomes will improve project outputs and, more broadly, will contribute insights to climate and energy policy, and the circular economy debate.

Going forward, the stakeholder community will be further developed as a forum to present, discuss, and strengthen project findings in an endeavour to co-create a shared vision for a European net-zero Circular Economy.

By Sara Giorgi – T6 Ecosystems

This is an in-person and by-invitation-only stakeholder workshop. If this workshop is of interest to you or your organisation please do get in touch with Sara Giorgi via [email protected]