From the 17th to the 19th of April 2023, the CircEUlar consortium met in Venice for a 3-day project partner meeting. The meeting was organised in coordination with the sister project CIRCOMOD.
The main purpose of the meeting was to re-align the CircEUlar partners regarding the ongoing activities of the project since the kick-off meeting in September 2022 and to agree on a conceptual framework for intergating research across the project. Indeed, partners shared the progress of the different Work Packages, presented the future actions and set up the upcoming milestones. Moreover, some breakroom groups facilitate discussions around the different focus areas of the project – Mobility, Buildings and Household services and Digitalisation – with the aim of creating synergies and cross-collaboration.
Great interaction and cooperation plans emerged also from the joint meeting with the CIRCOMOD project. Thanks to the organisation of a collaborative workshop, the two consortia identified diverse areas of collaboration, including mobility and buildings research, data formats and sharing, conducting surveys, and jointly engaing with relevant stakeholder groups. Numerous ways to capitalise on knowledge and experiences for achieving the common goals of promoting a societal transformation towards a net-zero emission circular economy and indentifying strategies for climate change mitigation were indentified.
Social activities and a dinner between the partners of the two projects further facilitated networking and cooperation as well as made these days fun and interactive.
In the end, the meeting was also a crucial occasion to get feedback and updates from the Advisory Board.
This project partners meeting was kindly hosted by the project partner CMCC.