Julian Palacz x “Mapping Building Stocks across Europe”

Screenshot from the tool of Julian Palacz x “Mapping Building Stocks across Europe”

The CircEUlar project will once again have the opportunity to showcase its research work to the wider public, through art. Following the successful participation at the Klima Biennale Wien and the production of a series of artworks enabling the communication of research and scientific knowledge to a boarder audience, CircEUlar will be featured in an exhibition on Carbon Neutrality at local level.

The exhibition will be located at the city of Matosinhos, a neighbor municipality of the city of Porto, located in the Greater Porto Metropolitan Area (Portugal). It will open on the 24th March 2025 and will be live until June 2025. The municipality of Matosinhos has recently adopted a Carbon Neutrality 2030 Plan, which targets 85% carbon emissions reduction by 2030.

Under this remit, INEGI, as a local partner member of CircEUlar consortium, has been invited to highlight and convey, in an educative way some of the project findings to date. The exhibit will re-use some of the materials produced for the Klima Biennale Wien, such as a tool Mapping Building Stocks across Europe. Other relevant content includes key local figures and indicators and a mapping of energy and material intensities of the building stock, for the Porto case study.

This initiative aims at raising awareness on the impact of individual choices that influence the way that cities are built, and ultimately, the demand of energy and materials at urban level, such as housing location and type, as well as mobility choices. It also expects to support and foster the local carbon neutrality agenda.

By Mafalda – INEGI