Jul 6, 2023
The 11th Biennial Conference of ISIE took place in Leiden between 2-5 July. Dr. Alessio Mastrucci presented a study conducted by IIASA’s researchers affiliated with the Energy, Climate, and Environment (ECE) program with the title: “Circularity strategies for China’s building sector: a scenario analysis”.
Jul 6, 2023
The 11th Biennial Conference of ISIE took place in Leiden between 2-5 July. IIASA presented the latest research on circularity in chemicals industry in the scope of CircEUlar in the special session: “Bringing Industrial Ecology and the circular economy into integrated assesment models”.
Jul 3, 2023
Empas Technology and Society Lab addresses the environmental benefits and potentials for repurposing materials and functions from current fossil stocks within the frame of the CircEUlar project.
Jun 30, 2023
CircEUlar has been included in the “Good Practice” section of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform, marking it as an example of a successful circular economy project. This opens up valuable opportunities for increased visibility and stakeholder engagement.
Jun 26, 2023
Individuals play an important role in the transition to a circular economy. The CircEUlar project partner UG has addressed this topic in several events.
Jun 19, 2023
A work studying the potential of digitalisation to change recycling of the four bulk materials which produce ⅔ of industrial GHGs – steel, plastics, aluminium and cement has been completed.